Saturday, October 8, 2011

Scorpions Feat Didi Kempot - Stasiun Balapan

METALLICA - STRESS ( Tribute to SONETA ).mp4

Guns N Roses Feat Rhoma Irama - Begadang

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Turn Google Translate Into Google Beatbox

follow this step:
1) Go to Google Translate
2) Set the translator to translate German to German
3) Copy + paste the following into the translate box: pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch
4) Click “listen”
5) Be amazed

for formula:
zk = suspended cymbal
bschk = snare
pv = brush
bk = bass
tk = flam1
vk = roll tap
kt = flam2
kttp = flam tap
krp = hi hat tap
pv = short roll
th = better hi hat
thp, ds = instant rimshot.

have fun...:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

travel warning..indonesia

Dangerously Beautiful,Exclusive Journey!
Traveled to a country prone to disasters and terrorist-prone! only one in the world! Only in Indonesia! Buy your tickets now! NB: for you who likes adventurous & love to visit a dangerous area .. you can die wondering if you have not come to Indonesia ..

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Receive 1000 Backlinks For Free!

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

War Against Piracy

VIVAnews - Piracy is one of the oldest crimes with a universal character. Its nature is complex and multi-faceted. This is a challenge that has a devastating impact on the safety of international navigation and maritime security. A problem that has affected international trade and commerce and, not least, a crime that has caused the loss of many innocent lives.

Indeed, left unattended, it may constitute nothing less than a threat to regional and international peace and security. Needless to say, thererefore, it is indeed time that we worked even more closely together to put an end to the persistent challenge of piracy.

All stakeholders must be involved. The response must be at once national, regional and global.
First, we must identify and address the root cause of this problem. This is not a stand-alone problem.  And there is not a one size fits all solution. Thus, in the case of the incidences of piracy off the coast of Somalia, they appear inseparable from the conditions in Somalia itself.

We should therefore strive as vigorously as we can to help create climate conducive for Somalia to address its internal situation; one that promotes national stability and prosperity. To support the enhancement of that country's national capacity to comprehensively deal with the threat of piracy.

Second, the universal legal regime against piracy as provided for in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea must continue to be respected. In addressing this threat to international security, our focus should be on the enforcement of the international legal regime against piracy.

It is a point well recognized in the resolutions of the Security Council since 2008, inluding the latest, Security Council resolution 1976 (2011), which provide the required legal framework in addressing piracy and armed robbery against ships off the coast of Somalia.

Indonesia has been at the forefront in support of these resolutions. They make possible robust response, without, however, affecting the existing carefully balanced international law of the sea. They do not affect the rights or obligations or responsibilities of member states under international law, and should not be regarded as customary international law.

There is a particular urgent need to address the issue of prosecution and trial of pirates. Indonesia is of the view that international cooperation in the prosecution of piracy crimes under the framework of international law must be strengthened.

It is imperative that the international community provide necessary assistance to the littoral countries in their judicial capacity building. Thus, Somalia and the other regional countries can enhance and synergize their national legal systems to deal more effectively with piracy.

The establishment of specialized Somali courts in Somalia and in the region, including specialized extraterritorial Somali anti-piracy courts, should be considered positively.

Third, littoral states in a region affected by piracy and armed robbery at sea should carry out coordinated patrols to ensure the safety of navigation and maritime security. Other states should support littoral states in this vital task.

In the case of acts of piracy off the coast of Somalia, this is essential if the unprecedented multilateral military coordination mechanism that is at work in the region are to bring the desired results in a sustained manner.

Thus, often victim vessels were attacked outside the coverage of existing joint patrols by international naval taskforces. This means that the international community needs to double its efforts at solving the problem of piracy off the coast of Somalia.

The vast waters in the Gulf of Aden are insufficiently covered by naval patrols of participating user countries. These should therefore be complemented by, and indeed, build on, joint and coordinated patrols by the region’s littoral states.

This is a critical step. And we are confident that such a robust counter piracy operation, supported by sufficient military capability and joint and coordinated patrols by the region’s littoral states, will be more effective than all previous efforts.

Safeguarding the Malacca Strait

Allow me to share the experience of Indonesia and other Southeast Asian littoral states in dealing with piracy in the Strait of Malacca and the Strait of Singapore. Over 60,000 vessels pass through this strategic sea-lane every year.

To ensure maritime security in these Straits, the three littoral states—Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore—are carrying out coordinated patrols. These efforts are strengthened by an air patrol, carried out together with Thailand, known as “Eyes in the Sky.”

These measures have greatly reduced the incidence of armed robbery at sea along both Straits. In 2000 there were 118 such cases reported. We were able to reduce that to an average of 55 in the next five years. Since 2006, the average incidence was down to five a year.

The key factor behind that success has been regional cooperation. That brings me to my final point: to deal effectively with the challenge of piracy, we must deepen our partnership.

We must also identify and address all aspects of the problem. We must enlarge the network of stakeholders that contribute to its solution.

The littoral states, the user states, the international community and the private sectors—all must share the burden of ensuring safety of navigation and maritime security in pirate-infested waters. A mechanism of cooperation for this purpose should therefore be established.

Corporations have a social responsibility to help in these efforts. For instance, they could contribute to a trust fund to support global efforts against piracy off the coast of Somalia. Without private sector involvement, these efforts will not succeed. And if they do succeed, the private maritime industry will be among the first beneficiaries.

For decades, piracy has inflicted so much loss.  Hence, all are committed to address it. On the part of governments, what is needed is to manifest the obvious political will in the form of  mechanism for cooperation against piracy. And to apply that mechanism to effective law enforcement.

And on the part of the private sector, the corporate will to assume a clear and urgent social responsibility. Striving hard together, we can overcome this challenge.

This is an edited speech delivered by Foreign Minister of Indonesia, Dr. Marty Natalegawa, at the World Public-Private Counter Piracy Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 18 April 2011. The original title of the speech is “Global Challenge, Regional Responses: Forging a Common Approach to Maritime Piracy” and can be obtained in the official website of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry (www.kemlu.go.id)

Indonesia World Batik Summit 2011

World Batik Summit 2011 will be held in Jakarta Convention Center on September 28th – October 2nd, 2011. The following activities are the highlight program of World Batik Summit 2011.
International Conference
The theme for this international conference will be: "Indonesia: Global Home of Batik". the Program  will be include the plenary session and site visit workshops in different representative locations around the city, such as Jakarta Textile Museum, Parang Kencana Workshop. This international conference will be held on September 28th-30th, 2011.
Gallery of Honor
International Leaders, celebrities, fashion leaders, etc featured in Batik will be featured in the photo gallery (Gallery if Honor). This Gallery will be held on September 28th-30th, 2011.
Batik Buyers Meet Sellers
This program objective is to provide opportunities for international buyers to meet face to face with Indonesian sellers, in order to increase products selling.
Exhibition (Gelar Batik Nusantara - Summit Exhibition)
This exhibition will be produced as part of the World Batik Summit 2011 presenting all Batik products such as Batik Gallery from Batik collectors, batik art and crafts, batik interiors, batik workshop, jewelry, accessories, fashion, etc. This program will be held on September 28th and October 2nd, 2011.
Gala Dinner and Fashion Show (Culture Performance)
The fashion show will be held simultaneously with the Opening Night Gala Dinner. The fashion show will invite top Indonesian and international fashion houses whose works have featured batik such as Deanoor (Malaysia), Kouru (Japan), Saksit (Thailand), Hermes (Paris), Lu Kun (Shanghai/China), Indonesian Designer Ramli, Sebastian Gunawan, Anne Avantie, Carmanita, Bi Batik, Chossy Latu, Parang Kencana. Culture Performance, Angklung, Topeng Cirebon, Bedoyo Dance and Jaipong Dance. Children Performance "I Love Batik", History of Batik/Operate Story Batik, Slide Show Tribute by Iwan Tirta. This program will be delivered in an Indonesian athmosphere of food and culture, on September 29th, 2011.

Indonesia : Global Home Of Batik

Friday, September 23, 2011

the world not complete without palestine

President Abbas just submitted his request for a Palestinian state to the Secretary General and made his speech at the General Assembly to a standing ovation. He said: "the loss of hope is the most ferocious enemy of peace...despair is the strongest ally of extremism". Let's keep hoping, signing, calling, and sending messages to make sure our voices are heard and all the nations can vote for Palestine!

for palestine...the next nation

As concerned citizens, we urge you to stand with the Palestinian people , and help bring Palestinian statehood to a vote before the full United Nations assembly. Now is the time for you to help the Palestinian people achieve the next, crucial step toward freedom -- and help them enjoy the benefits of the Middle East's inspiring movement for democracy.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

raja ampat...sejengkal tanah surga di bumi indonesia

Sejumlah turis tampak asyik bersantap dan mengobrol santai sambil memandang lepas ke arah laut yang didominasi warna biru, hijau, dan putih. Warna-warna itu muncul karena pengaruh dari hamparan terumbu karang di dasar laut yang dangkal maupun dalam. Mereka sedang menikmati makan siang di Papua Diving Resort, perairan f Irian Jaya Barat.
Teriknya matahari dan cerahnya udara justru membuat gemas para tamu untuk kembali menyelam dan menyelam. Cahaya matahari kerap menembus celah-celah gelombang laut sampai ke karang. Keelokan pemandangan dan biota lautnya memang membuat kesan mendalam bagi para wisatawan. Bagi pencinta wisata pesisir dan bawah air yang fanatik, Raja Ampat sangat dikenal bahkan dinilai terbaik di dunia untuk kualitas terumbu karangnya.
Banyak fotografer bawah laut internasional mengabadikan pesona laut Raja Ampat. Bahkan ada yang datang berulang kali dan membuat buku khusus tentang keindahan terumbu karang dan biota laut kawasan ini. Pertengahan 2006 lalu, tim khusus dari majalah petualangan ilmiah terkemuka dunia, National Geographic, membuat liputan di Raja Ampat yang akan menjadi laporan utama pada 2007.

Sebanyak 610 Pulau
Raja Ampat adalah pecahan Kabupaten Sorong, sejak 2003. Kabupaten berpenduduk 31.000 jiwa ini memiliki 610 pulau (hanya 35 pulau yang dihuni) dengan luas wilayah sekitar 46.000 km2, namun hanya 6.000 km2 berupa daratan, 40.000 km2 lagi lautan. Pulau-pulau yang belum terjamah dan lautnya yang masih asri membuat wisatawan langsung terpikat. Mereka seakan ingin menjelajahi seluruh perairan di “Kepala Burung” Pulau Papua.
Wilayah ini sempat menjadi incaran para pemburu ikan karang dengan cara mengebom dan menebar racun sianida. Namun, masih banyak penduduk yang berupaya melindungi kawasan itu sehingga kekayaan lautnya bisa diselamatkan. Terumbu karang di laut Raja Ampat dinilai terlengkap di dunia. Dari 537 jenis karang dunia, 75 persennya berada di perairan ini. Ditemukan pula 1.104 jenis ikan, 669 jenis moluska (hewan lunak), dan 537 jenis hewan karang. Luar biasa.
Bank Dunia bekerja sama dengan lembaga lingkungan global menetapkan Raja Ampat sebagai salah satu wilayah di Indonesia Timur yang mendapat bantuan Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, sejak 2005. Di Raja Ampat, program ini mencakup 17 kampung dan melibatkan penduduk lokal. Nelayan juga dilatih membudidayakan ikan kerapu dan rumput laut.

Papua Diving, satu-satunya resor eksotis yang menawarkan wisata bawah laut di kawasan itu, didatangi turis-turis penggemar selam yang betah selama berhari-hari bahkan hingga sebulan penuh mengarungi lekuk-lekuk dasar laut. Mereka seakan tak ingin kembali ke negeri masing-masing karena sudah mendapatkan “pulau surga yang tak ada duanya di bumi ini”.
Pengelolanya tak gampang mempersiapkan tempat bagi wisatawan. Maximillian J Ammer, warga negara Belanda pemilik Papua Diving Resort yang juga pionir penggerak wisata laut kawasan ini, harus mati-matian menyiapkan berbagai fasilitas untuk menarik turis dari mancanegara. Sejak memulai usahanya delapan tahun lalu, banyak dana harus dikeluarkan. Namun, hasilnya juga memuaskan. Setiap tahun resor ini dikunjungi minimal 600 turis spesial yang menghabiskan waktu rata-rata dua pekan.
Penginapan sangat sederhana yang hanya berdinding serta beratap anyaman daun kelapa itu bertarif minimal 75 euro atau Rp 900.000 semalam. Jika ingin menyelam harus membayar 30 euro atau sekitar Rp 360.000 sekali menyelam pada satu lokasi tertentu. Kebanyakan wisatawan datang dari Eropa. Hanya beberapa wisatawan asal Indonesia yang menginap dan menyelam di sana.
“Turis menyelam hampir setiap hari karena lokasi penyelaman sangat luas dan beragam. Keindahan terumbu karangnya memang bervariasi sehingga banyak pilihan dan mengundang penasaran. Ada turis yang sudah berusia 80 tahun masih kuat menyelam,” tutur Max Ammer yang beristrikan perempuan Manado.
Tiga tahun lalu, Papua Diving membangun penginapan modern tak jauh dari lokasi pertama. Ternyata, penginapan yang dibangun dengan mengandalkan bahan bangunan lokal ini hampir selalu penuh dipesan. Padahal tarifnya mencapai 225 euro atau sekitar Rp 2,7 juta per malam. Di lokasi yang baru, dilengkapi peralatan modern, termasuk fasilitas telepon internasional dan internet.
Turis ke Raja Ampat hanya ingin ke Papua Diving di Pulau Mansuar karena fasilitas dan pelayannya sudah berstandar internasional, juga makanannya. Mereka mendarat di Bandara Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, langsung menuju lokasi dengan kapal cepat berkapasitas sekitar 10 orang yang tarifnya Rp 3,2 juta sekali jalan. Perlu waktu sekitar 3-4 jam untuk mencapai Mansuar.
Seperti pulau lainnya, Mansuar tampak asri karena hutannya masih terjaga dan air lautnya pun bersih sehingga biota laut yang tidak jauh dari permukaan bisa terlihat jelas. Turis cukup berenang atau ber-snorkelling untuk melihat keindahan laut, sedangkan jika ingin mengamati langsung kecantikan biota laut di kedalaman, mereka harus menyelam.

Merasa Aman
Warga lokal dilibatkan dalam pembangunan dan pengelolaan resor, bahkan 90 dari 100 karyawannya adalah warga Papua. Penduduk juga memasok ikan, sayur-mayur, buah-buahan, dan lainnya. Salah satu paket wisatanya mengunjungi perkampungan untuk melihat tanaman dan hewan khas setempat, termasuk burung Cendrawasih. Banyak wisatawan yang menjadi donatur pembangunan gereja dan pendidikan anak-anak sekitar Man- suar.
Max Ammer mempunyai komitmen untuk meningkatkan ekonomi dan keterampilan warga setempat. Mereka ada yang dilatih berbahasa asing dan menggunakan peralatan selam. Wisatawan pun merasa aman di kala siang maupun malam saat menikmati terik dan tenggelamnya matahari maupun saat berenang dan menyelam di laut yang sangat dalam.
Selain kelautan dan perikanan, Raja Ampat memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam, antara lain minyak bumi dan nikel. Di dasar lautnya juga banyak terdapat kapal-kapal karam bekas Perang Dunia II yang diperkirakan memuat “harta karun” bernilai tinggi. Namun, jika salah kelola, kegiatan eksploitasi semua itu dikhawatirkan mengancam kelestarian dan keindahan alam lautnya.

Sumber : Suara Pembaruan, Sumedi TP, 7 Januari 2007

Pantai Sawarna, Wisata yang Terabaikan

Wisata di Provinsi Banten masih banyak yang terpendam, mungkin lebih tepatnya terabaikan. Salah satunya Pantai Sawarna yang sangat masyhur di dunia maya, namun kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah.
Pantai Sawarna terletak di Desa Sawarna, Kecamatan Bayah, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Lokasi yang berjarak 150 km dari Rangkasbitung (Ibu Kota Kabupaten Lebak) ini makin komplet dengan gelombang spektakuler yang sempurna bagi para pencinta olahraga selancar. Tidak heran, pantai yang dibuka untuk publik ini menjadi semacam surga baru bagi peselancar Australia, Jepang, dan Korea. Salah satu spot favorit peselancar mancanegara untuk berselancar adalah Ciantir. Okezone berkesempatan mengabadikan pantai ini karena undangan Muhammad Arif, pemilik Banten Adventure, perusahaan tour and travel yang berkantor di Kota Serang.
Pantai Sawarna merupakan salah satu pantai yang sangat indah dan menarik dengan pasirnya yang putih. Para wisatawan yang kebanyakan pencinta fotografi memilih menginap 2-3 hari di desa yang berada di kawasan Pantai Sawarna. Maklum, begitu banyak sudut keindahan Pantai Sawarna dapat dieksplorasi dan tidak cukup bila berkunjung hanya beberapa jam.
Yang unik dari desa ini adalah lokasinya yang dipisahkan oleh aliran sungai dangkal yang cukup lebar. Makanya, siapapun yang ingin pergi ke desa tersebut harus melewati jembatan kayu gantung layaknya sedang melakukan outbound.
Selain pantainya yang indah, saat menelusuri tepi Pantai Sawarna, terdapat objek menarik yaitu Gua Laylay yang dihuni ribuan kelelawar. Dalam gua dapat dilihat jernihnya air yang mengalir menuruni gua.
Jika tertarik melakukan beach trekking, tidak ada salahnya meminta bantuan penduduk setempat atau pemilik penginapan tempat Anda menginap. Maklum, pantai ini masih dikelola oleh penduduk lokal. Jadi untuk urusan penginapan ataupun guiding, belum terfasilitasi dengan baik.
Namun sayang sekali, lokasi ini masih minim perhatian dari pemerintah Kabupaten Lebak ataupun Provinsi Banten. Hal ini terlihat dari home stay yang beroperasi (sebanyak 17 lokal) semuanya atas inisiasi warga setempat. Bahkan, Ketua Paguyuban Pemilik Home Stay Sawarna, Nenden mengeluh air bersih saja tidak menjadi perhatian pemerintah.
“Kami melalui paguyuban ini berusaha berulang kali untuk mendapatkan fasilitas air bersih karena yang ada saat ini sangat terbatas dan kurang memadai bila sedang padat pengunjung,” keluhnya.
Selain itu, terlihat pula banyak yayasan yatim piatu di desa ini yang mengandalkan bantuan para turis untuk menghidupi anak asuhnya akibat minimnya perhatian dinas sosial setempat.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nikon D7000

16.2 megapixels | 3" screen | APS-C sensor
Although ergonomically, the D7000 is a very close match for the D90, its overall 'feel' is considerably more serious, thanks to a magnesium alloy body shell and slightly thicker rubber coating on the hand grip and rear of the camera. At 16.2MP the D7000 offers the second highest resolution of any Nikon DSLR, behind only the 24Mp D3X. All of these pixels are packed onto a newly developed CMOS sensor, which offers a 'standard' ISO span of 100-6400, expandable up to the equivalent of ISO 25,600. The new camera boasts a 39-point AF array with 9 cross-type AF points and works in collaboration with a new 2016-pixel RGB metering sensor to allow 3D AF tracking.
Other changes include the same combined live view/movie switch control as the 3100, and a significantly upgraded movie specification, up to 'full HD' - 1920x1080 resolution at 24fps. The Nikon D7000 produces high quality output in almost any shooting situation. Default JPEGs are clean of artifacts and with natural colors and tonality. At a pixel level low ISO images are very slightly soft but still show very good detail which can be further increased by shooting in RAW. There is one negative though: in bright, high-contrast conditions the camera has a tendency to overexpose - unfortunately by quite a large degree.


Body type
Body type Mid-size SLR
Max resolution 4928 x 3264
Image ratio w:h 3:2
Effective pixels 16.2 megapixels
Sensor photo detectors 16.9 megapixels
Sensor size APS-C (23.6 x 15.7 mm)
Sensor type CMOS
Processor Expeed 2
ISO 100 - 6400 in 1, 1/2 or 1/3 EV steps (100 - 25600 with boost)
White balance presets 12
Custom white balance Yes (5)
Image stabilization No
Uncompressed format RAW
JPEG quality levels Fine, Normal, Basic
Optics & Focus
Autofocus Contrast Detect (sensor), Phase Detect, Multi-area, Center, Selective single-point, Tracking, Single, Continuous, Face Detection, Live View
Digital zoom No
Manual focus Yes
Number of focus points 39
Lens mount Nikon F mount
Focal length multiplier 1.5×
Screen / viewfinder
Articulated LCD Fixed
Screen size 3"
Screen dots 921,000
Touch screen No
Live view Yes
Viewfinder type Optical (pentaprism)
Viewfinder coverage 100 %
Viewfinder magnification 0.95×
Photography features
Minimum shutter speed 30 sec
Maximum shutter speed 1/8000 sec
Aperture priority Yes
Shutter priority Yes
Manual exposure mode Yes
Subject / scene modes Yes
Built-in flash Yes (Pop-up)
Flash range 12 m (at ISO 100)
External flash Yes (Hot-shoe, Wireless)
Flash modes Auto, On, Off, Red-eye, Slow sync, Rear curtain
Continuous drive Yes (6 fps)
Self-timer Yes (2 or 10 seconds)
Metering modes Multi, Center-weighted, Average, Spot
Exposure compensation ±5 EV (at 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV steps)
AE Bracketing ±5 (3 frames at 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV, 1 EV steps)
WB Bracketing Yes (2 or 3 frames in steps of 1, 2 or 3 mired)
Videography features
Format MPEG4
Audio channels Stereo
Clips Yes (1920 x 1080 (24 fps), 1280 x 720 (24, 25, 30 fps), 640 x 424 (24 fps))
HD Modes 1920 x 1080 (24 fps), 1280 x 720 (24, 25, 30 fps), 640 x 424 (24 fps)
FPS 1920 x 1080 (24 fps), 1280 x 720 (24, 25, 30 fps), 640 x 424 (24 fps)
Storage types SD/SDHC/SDXC
USB USB 2.0 (480Mbit/sec)
HDMI Yes (Mini Type C)
Wireless None
Remote control Yes (Optional, wired or wireless )
Environmentally sealed Yes (Weather and dust resistant)
Battery Battery Pack
Battery description Lithium-Ion EN-EL15 rechargeable battery & charger
Battery Life (CIPA) 1050
Weight (inc. batteries) 780 g (1.72 lb / 27.51 oz)
Dimensions 132 x 105 x 77 mm (5.2 x 4.13 x 3.03")
Other features
Orientation sensor Yes
Timelapse recording Yes
GPS Optional 

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Entertainment Galaxy

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


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